-Tiffany & Co. created this message to get men to buy their jewlery for the women in their lives and for women to desire this jewlery
-The target audience is educated, upper class men and women ages late twenties and upwards
-The images that suggests this are the clothes the couple is wearing and their location
-The text reads "Tiffany & Co."
We see a black & white image of a well dressed couple holding each other in a loving way, on a balcony overlooking a city, the woman holding an unopened Tiffany's box, which is the ads primary focal point.
-The subtext is if you love your wife or girlfriend you should be them something from Tiffany's and if your husband or boyfriend loves you he will buy it for you
-The tools of persuasion that are used are : symbols- the embraced couple has an emotional context and symbolizes love and commitment. The little blue box symbolizes quality, elegance and wealth
-The healthy message that is communicated is love and commitment is desirable
-The unhealthy message is that you can buy love.
-The part of the story that is not told is the price, which is high.
“The unhealthy message is that you can buy love.”
This is very interesting to me because we have so many chances to see these kinds of ads that message is paying for love, especially in jewelry ads, and it means majority of people believe this conception of “we can buy love” paying money.
Although I believe that we can buy everything except love, I can accept this kind of ad automatically besides the message, “you can buy love”.
I like this ad because it very romantic and elegance image and also presents their product relate to love. At the same time, they use contrast color on their product so it makes the product as primary focal point of this ad. In other hand, as Regina pointed out the unhealthy message which is ‘you can buy love.’ Most of people believe that ring symbolizes love because of the jewelry ads. Most of Jewelry company use love to advertise their product.
I agree with your deconstruction of the Tiffany & Co ad. Although, I actually think that the targeting audience is also to middle class young adults. The reason why I think this is because humans are so influenced by the media, especially young adults. So many young girls go through magazines and they want to be glamorous. They want to have the glamorous, romantic life. I've been around so many young girls who drool over Tiffany's jewelry, perhaps it's because some of it looks simple like Apple products? I don't know, but I definitely feel like young female adults are also the target audience. I also think another unhealthy message is that when you look at the ad, you want to have a romantic looking relationship like the couple in the ad. So I also feel like people think in order to look like you have the perfect romantic relationship, you should buy Tiffany's. Otherwise, I definitely agree with everything you had to say.
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